Bag of Money

Bag of Money
Teens can make a big bag of money this summer

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Fundraiser can create money

A Fundraiser can create money

If you're a teen who loves working with people, fundraising for you could be a way to earn money while helping out a good cause.

Do you enjoy planning events and parties? Fundraising is also a great way to build a full-fledged business, or just earn some extra cash in your spare time.

Fundraising is easy to organize, but many corporations, groups and communities are in need of people who can do the work. These groups do not want to pull someone away from their desk to handle fundraising events. As a teen, you can find many opportunities to help your community and those in need by raising funds for various organizations and non-profit groups.

You might want to involve your friends to have added workers, but often the group you're raising funds for will be able to provide volunteers. You will make more money if you go it alone, but it can be more fun to work as a team.

Be sure to check with your local city offices to see if you need any kind of license before you begin planning an event. If you do, be sure to find out what steps you need to take in order to get the license, and to get your new venture off the ground.

Once you have the business set up, it's time to come up with valid ideas for fundraisers. Sit down and brainstorm with your friends to come up with unique ways you can raise money for your clients.

Some ideas are more obvious than others. A car wash or bake sale comes to mind immediately and they can be great fun, but you might want to try something a little different.

Rock-a-thons are fun and relaxing for the participants. People get sponsors to pay them for every hour, or minute they spend rocking in a rocking chair.

Simply collecting with buckets from passing shoppers (think Salvation Army) is an easy method of fundraising, but it's not as much fun.

Rent-a-kid is another great idea that people like. People give their money to the cause in exchange for housekeeping, yard work, pet walking, running errands, etc.

A dinner is a great fundraising event. After you've decided on the location, plan the menu. Be sure to keep it simple such as spaghetti, chili or even tacos. You don't want an elaborate meal, and you want to be sure you have volunteer workers to help cook, serve, and clean up.

Other ideas include selling items like pizza, wrapping paper, gift cards, etc. Perhaps auctioning off donated items appeals to you. Any number of fundraisers can be utilized if you approach it right.

You'll also need to find a location for your event, whatever it may be. If you go with a car wash, maybe a local gas station or community center will provide a corner of their parking lot for your event. If you plan on a dinner, try a community center. Try to get the space and the supplies donated to your cause so you will net more money for your clients.

Set your price based on supplies, workers, and your time. Allow enough money for you to make a profit while at the same time providing the funds expected to the organization. After all, that's what the organization, your client, expects of their fundraising effort!

Once you've decided on the fundraiser you'll use, you have the cause planned, get busy spreading the word all over town. Call local TV and radio stations, ask businesses to post flyers in their windows, and get the organization's members to help promote, as well. Even ask the local paper if they'd run an ad for your worth cause for free.

Blanket your town with flyers on local bulletin boards. Don't forget to mention it at school and any other part time job you may have. Word of mouth is often the best way to advertise.

On the day of your fund raising event make sure you arrive early. Get everything set up and have everyone's assignment in place before guests and buyers start to arrive. Be sure someone is near the entrance to greet people and make everyone feel welcome.

After your fundraiser is complete, make sure your donations, minus your fee goes straight to the appropriate place as soon as possible. As you develop your clientele and build your reputation as a dependable worker, you will have more business than you ever imagined possible... this can truly become a great money-maker for you and for your community!

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